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Sewing Stretch and Jersey Fabrics Friday 28th March 10am - 12.30pm


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Ever got frustrated when sewing stretchy and jersey fabrics? Then this session is just right for you!

This is a 2.5 hour workshop covering the basic principles of handling jersey fabrics, covering choice of equipment, getting your machine set up properly to make perfect seams, making double stitched hems, shell and lettuce hems working on a wide range of stretch fabrics supplied as part of your tuition fee.

The aim of this introductory workshop is to give you the confidence to select and use the most appropriate tools and stitches on your domestic sewing machine for sewing on a variety of different types of jersey dress fabrics. Please be advised we will not be working with an overlocker on this workshop.
A pack containing a wide selection of differing weights of jersey will be provided for you to work on during this session. We will not be making a garment or an object, the time will be spent of getting a good quality stitch for general machine sewing like seams, darts, hems, and decorative top stitching using your machine’s built-in stretch stitches on this diverse range of materials.
You will need to change the needle in your machine during the session and will probably need to adjust the tension and possibly stitch lengths depending on the weight of jersey you are working on.
Please bring the following items with you:

  1. Your sewing machine cleaned and with a medium sized (12/80 or 14/90) ball point or jersey or stretch fabric sewing machine needle correctly inserted.
  2. A pack of good quality e.g. Schmetz mixed sizes of ball point or jersey or stretch fabric sewing machine needles ranging from size 10/70 to 16/100.
  3. If available a twin needle with a 0.4mm gap between needle shafts.
  4. A walking foot or even feed presser foot if you have one. These are expensive so don’t buy a new one unless you are likely to use it a lot. If you have a roller foot (not a rolled hem attachment, though you may use that too on hems) you can experiment with that too. Blind hemming foot if you have one.
  5. A few good quality threads, preferably polyester such as Mettler or Guttermann.
  6. The sewing machine manual for your sewing machine.
  7. If you have completed one of my Beginner’s Dressmaking courses or the ‘Get to know your sewing machine’ workshops you will have made a set of stitch samples, hopefully with your own notes as to what they are used for. Please bring those samples with you as it will help you identify the relevant stitches for stretch fabrics.
  8. Your general sewing kit including fabric scissors and small scissors for trimming threads.
  9. A notebook and biro for making your own notes.
  10. Stapler, sticky tape or glue stick for attaching samples to your notes.

Jonquil Brooks ©